Curriculum vitae

1987 traineeship as merchant for foreign commerce (with emphasis on wood)
1988 assistant manager in furniture shop in Regensburg
1990 to 1992 attendance of special clients in a private furniture shop in Kelheim
1992 to 2007 area manager of the company Thermopal - trendsetter for decorative surfaces in the wood and furniture industry
since 2008 sales director for Southern Germany/Czech Republic/Slovakia/Lithuania with increasing revenue and turnover of sales
1992 further education an training in Business Administration; master of commerce
1992 "Ausbildung der Ausbilder (ADA)" – qualification to educate trainees
1998 business englisch at the University of Regensburg
1998 to 2002 night studies in business economy at the University of Regensburg
2003/2004 further training as trainer and consultant at Sonnenholzner in Ottobrunn
2004 winner of the prize for trainers in the genre "Innovation"
2005 to 2007 project manager for the special project railed vehicles

development of the design workshop with creative sales training for the trade

3 modules concept with emhasis on:

  • company presentation
  • presentations for sales partners
  • active sales for marketing oriented trade
2006 communication workshops / optimizing interface of marketing and production
2006 development of the creative day for specialty retailers

Das Feuerwerk des Verkaufensco-author of
„Das Feuerwerk des Verkaufens“ ("Fireworks of sales")
ISBN 3-9810088-4-7

2007 innovations workshop/lightweight construction with partners of the wood industry
2011 preparation of "Projekt TheO" - object network for architects/trade/craft and industry
2011 preparation of professional independence with the company:
"LEBENSWERT Consulting – Coaching – Training – Network"