Management consulting

Bild vergrößern Management consulting
Management consulting

The managers are the leaders of every company.

They face great challenges.

They must ...

  • ... master strategic tasks,
  • ... lead staff,
  • ... spur on projects,
  • ... monitor product development,
  • ... maintain contact to customers.

All of this is necessary in order to not lose sight of the market and business goals.

This creates a variety of legal and organizational tasks that require a lot of responsibility and decision-making power.

Unwise or late decisions can damage the company on the long run.

For this reason it is advisable to seek professional assistance in order to use your resources usefully.

Managing projects, time and stress
  • Projekte are an important element of management

    Managers and personnel must work together to develop, adapt and change products. Using the right methods will help you use your time efficiently.

    The leitmotif: „Who does what, with whom, when and where?“

  • The Eisenhower Principle shows you how to manage your time efficiently.

    Efficieny must be learned and applied correctly!

  • „Know your Limits! Can you deal with stress?"

    We believe: "Stress can be good when positive and considerate of the managers physical & mental needs."

    Differences between eu-stress and dis-stress. Ideally dealing with the great challenges in an enterprise.

    We will show you how to live and work in a life worth living, stay balanced, use your energy resourcefully and regenerate.
Sales and management advice
  • How does the distribution network work?
    What  are your requirements before and after a sales pitch?
  • Learn how to sell!
  • Acquire and apply presentation skills!
  • Prepare, conduct and review trade fairs!
  • Boost efficiency by attending to target customers!
  • Guidance through goals!
  • Adapt your reward system in order to optimize efficiency and cost of staff!
Bild vergrößern Sales Cycle
How does the sales cycle work? (Souce: Sonnenholzer Consulting)
Strategic corporate development
  • Start-ups, changes, adaptations, reorientation
  • Optimizing the process
  • Intensive consulting, temporary takeover of managerral responsibility (6 to 12 months at most) in order to introduce important processes and guide the leading team
Environmental management/certifications
  • Collaboration with political associations & decision makers
  • Establishment of the new label LEBENSWERT
    • Enterprises and products are judged by their benefit to humanity & the environment
    • Clarity before variety
    • Sustainability before narrow-mindedness